“I am an Advocate for the ARTS in Healthcare and a member of the National Organization for Arts in Healthcare. I facilitate music experiences with patients in a children’s hospital.
Our immune system loves music and is strengthened by the simple human connection music stimulates.”
Karl leads health rhythms drum circles for Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Services at Rady Children’s Hospital.
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ARTICLE: Healing Artist
by Karl Anthony
Talented artists who care are living in your community. Yet there are more important things to consider than musicianship and fine artistry to be an effective healing artist.
When healing arts are introduced in a hospital setting, I have seen patients become instantly alert and willing to move their bodies after days of sedentary depression and often they will actually sing from the top of their lungs with enthusiasm and pure joy. Music is a connector and its secret is how it opens the channel for which human connection can take place.
The arts allow for an authentic human interaction to take place and that gentle receptivity reduces anxiety, improves mood and reduces stress.
Being fully present and available once the emotional walls dissolve is a beautiful and important responsibility and being sensitive and accepting to another person's discomfort is a key qualification of every healing artist.
As a musician I can appreciate the space between each note for without those spaces, there would be no music, no rhythm, no melody or harmony.
With this in mind it certainly does not hurt to find an artist who is a good listener. This being another key qualification and talent which will help the pain melt away.
Hold The Sky
A child in a hospital once told me that receiving chemotherapy was like having an earthquake inside them. When I responded, “What do you mean?”, they said it was like the ground was shaking inside them.
Deeply moved I asked, “What do you do when the ground is shaking inside you?” The child’s reply was, “Hold The Sky.”
I simply smiled and said, “Let’s write a song called, Hold the Sky.”
“Visual art, music, dance, creative writing, drama, story telling, comedy, drumming, design, songwriting and many other facets of the creative arts are life affirming and stress reducing. And they release our body’s own pain reliever, endorphins, which are our best and natural mood enhancers waiting in all of us to be released.”
Book Karl for speaking about Arts in Healthcare
Top 5 Benefits of Healing Arts
lower blood pressure, reduced heart rates and feeling less pain.
a catalyst for psychological balance, improved mood and reduction of stress.
use of art and music stimulates connection and conversation.
patients are calmer and less anti-anxiety medication need be prescribed.
healing arts actually aids in healing.
A special arts community is rapidly growing.
It is people like you who advocate for the arts by sharing a story of how music or art play an important role in your life, health and overall wellness,. Once you do this with me, you have become an Advocate for the ARTS in Healthcare.
The more first-hand testimonies we collect, the faster we can spread the desire for the arts to be included in our healthcare system.
Your story helps to expand the work of ARTS in Healthcare and broaden the awareness worldwide.
Allow your words to be added to the testimonies of thousands and contribute to important data which states, 'art is not only for entertainment but can ease pain, reduce anxiety, and welcome in healing and mood altering endorphins to any patient, even a child.' I have seen how music and art open the door to human connection and I am honored to join with you as an enthusiastic advocate for art in healthcare.
Tell your story.
Share your experience of when you or someone you care about were supported, comforted and even vitalized through a health condition using music or other forms of the arts. Share how it allowed you to feel better and eventually contributed to you getting better.
Articles on Healing Arts Research
Power of ART
Take Two Songs And Call Me In The Morning
7 Ways Music Can Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Prescription for Music Lessons
“feel better.”